Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Look inside, baby!

Meet Tara. She’s looking for a wholesome, refreshing drink. She wants something delicious to sip while quietly contemplating life. And she’s been hearing about the health benefits of tea for years.

So, what’s stopping her from drinking specialty tea? Time! Tara wants to drink high quality, whole leaf tea, but she doesn’t want to manage all of those loose leaves. And she really doesn’t want to deal with steeped ingredients and messy teapots. So, what’s this girl to do?

Enter the pyramid sachet!

No, it’s not an Eygptian handbag. Rather, it’s a clear, silky-looking pod made from food-grade nylon that holds your specialty tea. The sachet leaves plenty of space for your tea leaves to steep and release their full flavor. And, baby, look inside! You will see all of your tea’s ingredients unfurling elegantly before you.

Not only do you preserve the flavor of your whole leaf tea, but you do so with the ultimate convenience of a tea bag. Plus, looking into the beautiful pods of natural, blooming ingredients truly upgrades your specialty tea experience!

So, no need to worry about the hassle. Drink up, baby! (You, too, Tara.)

Visit our online store at www.ChaiBabyUSA.com.

Copyright 2008 East West Blends, LLC, All Rights Reserved

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